ADSI has the specialized knowledge and skill required for the separation of complex mixtures of substances based on the Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry of the University Innsbruck. Additionally, the ADSI GmbH has access to extensive machinery for extraction and analytics. Our unique proposition is based on interdisciplinary teamwork between analytical chemistry, cell biology and bioinformatics. Robotics and automation are utilized with a good sense of proportion.



Our skills are your superiority! Our scientific support enables you to utilize herbal healing properties with the most advanced scientifical and technical means. Development of well characterized plant products in reproducible quality requires highly specialized multidisciplinary scientific skills and high-tech machinery. Plant extracts are multi-component mixtures which need thorough characterization, both qualitatively and a quantitatively.

Elaborate separation techniques are necessary to remove toxic substances from the plant extracts under investigation. Precisely adjusted and consistent distribution of the active substances in the final product has to be ensured by refined extraction and enrichment procedures.

High Content Screening: High Accuracy in Picking the Right Candidates

In the ADSI laboratories, quality is preferred over quantity. High Content Screening (HCS) may facilitate less throughput than High Throughput Screening, but application of most advanced imaging techniques yields richer results. Thousands of little cells are investigated with “automated eyes” and controlled by machines; they are treated like “little patients”. That makes selection of the candidates with the highest potential, which are worth further investments, much more reliant.

Early Detection of Side Effects

The highest costs are caused by late failure. Many candidates fail only in late developmental stages, roughly 50% as late as phase III of the clinical trials. That leads to an explosion of costs in product development. The cell-based toxicity tests by ADSI allow early detection of adverse effects. That minimizes the failure rate in drug development and thus leads to a massive cost reduction.


Interdisciplinary teams – the key to success:
Chemistry + Biology + Bioinformatics

It has been widely noted in recent years that the interdisciplinary approach is the key factor for high success rates in drug development. It’s the only way to understand all the relevant aspects and mechanisms. Neither chemistry nor biology alone have a high probability for success. Only close cooperation of the relevant disciplines, as practiced in the ADSI laboratories, reduces risks and costs.



Risk assessments clearly document that the number of drugs originating from large pharmaceutical companies which make it to final approval by regulatory authorities is low despite growth in R&D expenditures (Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 7, 197-198). Consequently, translational research, which covers all the steps of transforming scientific discoveries into sustainable health care solutions has gained a lot of importance in the last decade. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has made translational research a priority, even forming centers of translational research at its institutes. The teaming up of the pharmaceutical industry with small biotech companies adds a new dynamic to the whole process and helps increase success rates in drug development. ADSI as Public Private Partnership with close connections to big international industry partners provides ideal conditions for co-operations, especially in the preclinical stage.


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